Spoznavanje razsežnosti pojma občutljivosti v urbanem oblikovanju in arhitekturi
Družbena dimenzija
Da bi dodobra razumeli pojem občutljivosti v arhitekturi in urbanih prostorih, moramo najprej spoznati različne tipe arhitekturne 'pokrajine' oziroma njene razsežnosti, ki jim pojem lahko pritiče.
Skozi aktivnosti pred vami boste pretehtali občutljivost v angleščini in slovenščini iz različnih perspektiv, spoznali njene karakteristike v različnih urbanih situacijah in primerjali stopnjo občutljivosti, ki jo različni prostori sugerirajo.
Aktivnost 1: Prepoznavanje občutljivosti različnih urbanih okolij
Dojemanje občutljivosti lahko od kulture do kulture variira. V aktivnosti, ki je pred vami, boste k posamezni fotografiji urbanega prostora določili vidik, ki po vašem mnenju opiše najbolj evidenten segment občutljivosti.
Preučite fotografije, ki predstavljajo posamezne značilne segmente oziroma vrsto občutljivosti arhitekture in urbanih prostorov. Odločite se, kater segment je najbolj prepoznaven pri posamezni fotografiji in ga izberite iz spustnega seznama. Razmislite o vzrokih za vašo izbiro. Nato preberite povratne informacije, kjer se skrivajo tudi pravilni odgovori z obširnejšim pojasnilom in poslušajte zvočni posnetek.
Architectural (Slovene: arhitekturen) This image could be seen as primarily architecturally fragile because the square has been designed by different designers and architects over time. The most recent intervention was made by the architect , Alvaro Siza.
The urban elements such as urban furniture, water features, monuments, trees, pavement etc follow certain rules in relation to geometry and composition. Elements are juxtaposed in a way that can be easily broken by the introduction of new elements lying outside the 'set' rules.
On a larger scale we can also discern the basic geometric shape of the square, the height and style of buildings enclosing the square and combination of built and un-built space which all give the depicted space its character. Through the introduction of buildings into the un-built space or by replacing of individual building with those twice as high, the character of the space would again change. The interplay of old and new elements is also significant but in this case it is overshadowed by the architectural and urban composition, thus we can call the space primarily architecturally fragile.
Regardless of the momentary physical condition of a place, the fragility of the composition/setting of buildings and other elements which compose the particular place are really important. Fragility can be understood to exist in the balance between open spaces and buildings, the composition, subtle geometric changes and visual linkages, which may easily be damaged or destroyed by sudden and insensitive interventions.
Were your answer and reason for your choice the same? If not, consider what cultural factors might have had an influence on your choice.
Listen to the recording of the term in English and Slovene and practice saying it aloud until you feel confident about using it in your presentation:
Natural(Slovene: naraven) This garden landscape could be seen as primarily naturally fragile because the natural elements are in the forefront of the composition, dominating the character of the place.
The composition, which at first sight feels relaxed, is more complex than it seems but is overshadowed by the natural elements that here play the main roles. By replacing the natural elements with artificial objects (i.e. urban furniture) or materials (i.e. plastic) the character of the place would change significantly. The similar change would happen with drastic removal of green elements.
The coexistence of built and natural spaces is a crucial part of the 'natural' dimension. The fragile harmony between these or their successful symbiosis gives a particular place an added, yet fragile value. It might also be described as fragile, if by adding or taking away built or natural elements, the balance between both is unsettled or broken.
Were your answer and reason for your choice the same? If not, consider what cultural factors might have had an influence on your choice.
Listen to the recording of the term in English and Slovene and practice saying it aloud until you feel confident about using it in your presentation:
Social (Slovene: družben) This city scene could be seen as socially fragile because the place is vibrant with buildings, elements and activities that foster social contact and interchange. Shops, meeting places, bars, street vendors, markets are offering perfect opportunities for meeting, talking, sitting, socializing, etc.
Removing the social component, replacing the contents of the buildings and tidying the place in architectural or commercial sense the square would change its character and there is the question whether the people would still find it as pleasant, homely and friendly as it is now. As there are not many quality architectural sediments and there are only some historical sediments, the place can be deemed primarily socially fragile followed by historical sensitivity.
We denote places as socially fragile when they are interwoven with sensitive social connections or act as fragile catalysts in relationships with different values such as economic, cultural, or social, and if they are defined and valued through their use. They usually persist through the sediments of use or social development and tend to be officially tolerated rather than officially regulated. They represent an important, sometimes even traditional, focus for urban socializing, or places where there is a fragile coexistence of ethnic interest, status groups or social classes. With some interventions, these fragile, sensitive, social connections and structures could be lost to the extent that the space will change beyond recognition.
Were your answer and reason for your choice the same? If not, consider what cultural factors might have had an influence on your choice.
Listen to the recording of the term in English and Slovene and practice saying it aloud until you feel confident about using it in your presentation:
historical (Slovene: zgodovinski) This image depicts primarily an historically fragile environment because the historical sediments, patina and layers overshadow individual architectural elements and composition. The square is almost equally architecturally fragile but in this case the first thing that comes to mind is the age of the place, the age of architecture and elements that dominate the setting not the architectural qualities and shapes, which follow as an afterthought. Should this square be a polished replica it could arguably maintain its architectural qualities and fragility but would certainly loose the historical value and fragility.
The present quality of space is reflected in historical, architectural and urban sediments, through layers of different elements, or buildings, where any new addition or novelty may at once disturb the balance. The elements were added throughout history and over an extended period of time during which they were able to settle, and also become recognized by the inhabitants as adding value to the place (social, cultural, historical, etc) - thus becoming the historical context for a new layer.
Were your answer and reason for your choice the same? If not, consider what cultural factors might have had an influence on your choice.
Listen to the recording of the term in English and Slovene and practice saying it aloud until you feel confident about using it in your presentation:
Aktivnost 2: Preučevanje zaznav različnih urbanih prostorov v slovenščini
Preučite fotografije različnih urbanih situacij in jim določite slovenski pridevnik, ki po vašem mnenju najbolje opiše prevladujočo vrsto občutljivosti tega prostora. Izberite ustrezen 'gumb' in si nato oglejte povratne informacije za pravilnost rešitve in dodatna pojasnila.
Morda vam bo najprej v pomoč ponoven ogled povratnih informacij iz Aktivnosti 1.
This image could be seen as predominantly reflecting the historical dimension of the theme of fragility. for the reasons notes in the feedback to Activity 1. Additionally, notice the different architectural sediments that give unique character to this square in Pula, Croatia and consider how the place might look like without the Roman, Austro-Hungarian architectural and recent urban design elements.
This image could be seen as predominantly reflecting the natural dimension of the theme of fragility for the reasons given in the feedback to Activity 1. Additionally, consider the amount of natural vs. built environment in this picture. The artificial lake in Hannover has been manmade but it is the greenery that it gives the place its character. The green oasis in the city would change drastically if i.e. more buildings would be introduced thus making this place primarily naturally sensitive.
This image could be seen as predominantly reflecting the architectural dimension of the theme of fragility for the reasons given in the feedback to Activity 1. Also, take note that we are faced with a new addition to an existing building. The buildings form a fragile relationship that is achieved through similar shapes, volume, roof sloping, placing of openings, colours, etc. The new is not pretending to be old and does not try to recreate the old elements and materials but rather re-defines them thus showing clear distinction and respect at the same time. The pair and their symbiosis are the result of an architectural process, conscious decisions and design thus in architectural domain, rather than historically layered and sedimented.
This image could be seen as predominantly reflecting the social dimension of the theme of fragility for the reasons given in the feedback to Activity 1. Additionally, notice that people in the streets, walking, talking, standing, eating are good indicators of a place that has social significance and is in itself dependent on the social component to be attractive, in other words – it is primarily fragile in the social dimension. The street and elements are organized to facilitate the social interaction. Changing the layout, making the ground floors of the surrounding buildings less public, building in the middle or cutting down the trees would change the character of the space to such an extent that the social dimension would diminish or vanish entirely.
Aktivnost 3: Kakšno stopnjo občutljivosti izkazujejo urbani prostori?
Oglejte si urbane prostore na teh štirih slikah in jih razporedite v vrstnem redu od najmanj do najbolj občutljivih. To storite tako, da po vrsti vpišete črke, ki jih označujejo v tekstovni kvadratek pod njimi (npr. A, B, C). Nato si preberite povratne informacije z nakazano pravilno rešitvijo in dodatnimi pojasnili.
Predvidena razvrstitev prostorov in fotografij je: C, A, D, B.
Najmanj občutljiv prostor: vanj lahko dodajamo stavbe, elemente, spreminjamo urbano oblikovanje, kompozicijo brez večjega vpliva in posledic za prostor in njegov značaj - ker ima premočan značaj, da bi ga lahko omajali ali pa mu ga primanjkuje do te mere, da bi o njem sploh lahko govorili. Najbolj občutljiv prostor: z dodajanjem ali odvzemanjem stavb ali drugih elementov se prostor lahko spremeni ali poškoduje do te mere, da ni več prepoznaven - lahko poseduje le eno ali več dimenzij občutljivosti (družbeno, naravno, arhitekturno/urbano, zgodovinsko).
Druge razvrstitve so tudi možne, glede na kulturno perspektivo in izkušnjo razvrščevalca. Če se vaša razvrstitev razlikuje od predlagane: ali lahko identificirate morebitne kulturne vplive, ki so privedli do tega? Na podlagi razmisleka o konceptu občutljivosti v kontekstu urbanega oblikovanja in arhitekture bi se morali sedaj bolje zavedati dejstva, da je lahko pogled zelo subjektiven in kulturno zaznamovan.